AF 532 carboxylic acid

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AF 532 carboxylic acid

AF 532 carboxylic acid

Catalog Number R01-0453
Category AF
Molecular Formula C30H28K2N2O9S2
Molecular Weight 702.88
Catalog Number Size Price Quantity
R01-0453 -- $--

Product Introduction

AF 532 is a bright, photostable, and hydrophilic fluorophore emitting in the yellow-green channel, an alternative to HEX, JOE, and SIMA. AF 532 carboxylic acid is a non-reactive form of AF 532 dye that can be used as a reference standard in experiments involving AF 532 dye conjugates.

Chemical Information

Appearance Reddish-brown Powder

Product Specification

Excitation 524
Emission 547
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