AF 488 alkyne, 5-isomer

What We Offer

AF 488 alkyne, 5-isomer

AF 488 alkyne, 5-isomer

Catalog Number R01-0446
Category AF
Molecular Formula C36H47N5O10S2
Molecular Weight 773.93
Catalog Number Size Price Quantity
R01-0446 -- $--

Product Introduction

AF 488 is sulfonated rhodamine, a bright, photostable, and hydrophilic fluorophore that emits in the green channel (absorption max. is at 495 nm, emission max. is at 519 nm). AF 488 alkyne is an Alkyne derivative of AF 488 dye for copper-catalyzed cycloaddition to azides (CuAAC).

Chemical Information

Appearance Orange Solid

Product Specification

Excitation 495
Emission 519
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