Metal Probe

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Metal Probe

BOC Sciences provides a series of probes that can be used to detect different metals, including aluminum probes, nickel probes, cobalt probes, mercury probes, etc.

Aluminum Probes

The detection of aluminum ions has important physiological significance. BOC Sciences offers a series of water-soluble high light stability probes (dye molecules) that are sensitive to aluminum ions (Al3+). Our probes are very bright and easy to use. The aluminum ion probe we provide is a unique fluorescent probe that has a higher selectivity for aluminum than other dissolved cations. It can detect and quantify dissolved aluminum (Al3+). It is an open-type fluorescence sensor. This means that the fluorescence of the solution increases with the increase of the dissolved aluminum concentration and can be easily excited in a wide wavelength range of 280-400 nm. In the presence of aluminum ions, the fluorescence emission is very strong around 420 nm.

Nickel Probes

The latest interest in Ni2+ comes mainly from its use to detect and isolate oligohistidine fusion proteins by metal chelate affinity chromatography. Newport Green DCF indicator (N7990) is an ultra-sensitive probe for Ni2+ in solution. ref 100 µM Ni2+ can increase the fluorescence intensity of Newport Green DCF reagent by about 13 times without spectral shift. Zn2+ and Co2+ enhanced the fluorescence of the indicator to a lesser extent. Newport Green DCF diacetate (N7991) has been used to measure Ni2+ uptake by cells in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Ref Newport Green DCF and Newport Green DCF diacetate have also been used with flow cytometry to detect human-related Ni2+ -binding metal protein nickel allergy, and are the most common form of human hypersensitivity to contact. The AM ester of ref Newport Green PDX (N24191) is the same as the bis- (2-pyridylmethyl) amine chelator contained in Newport Green DCF, and it should be demonstrated that it has a similar detection effect on Ni2+.  

Metal probe Figure 1. Spectral lines of nickel.

Mercury Probes

The combination of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ strongly affects the fluorescence of several of our traditional Ca2+ and Mg2+ indicators. Fura-2 and quin-2 bind to Cd2+ with extremely high affinity. Fura-2's excitation response to Cd2+ (almost the same as its Ca2+ response) has been used to monitor cell uptake of Cd2+ and image free Cd2+ within cells. Binding of heavy metals to rhod-5N has also been reported. Rhod Kd (Cd2+) of -5N was determined to be 1.4 nM. Magfura-2 AM has proven to be useful as an intracellular Cd2+ indicator, and indo-1 AM can be used to simultaneously determine the concentration of Ca2+ and Cd2 in a cell + or Ca2+ and Ba2+. It has also been reported to use fura -2 AM (to measure the concentration of cytoplasmic Ba2+, such as the detection of Cd2+ at a pH of 13.3 using fluorescence method of calcein (C481). Fura-2 or indo -1 is used as an intracellular indicator to monitor the entry of Pb2+ into cells. Ionomycin can effectively and efficiently transport Pb2+ into cells. 19 F NMR can also be used to detect the use of fluorinated BAPTA derivatives.


  1. M Dohmeier, C.; et al. Aluminum(I) and Gallium(I) Compounds: Syntheses, Structures, and Reactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.1996, 35 (2): 129–149.

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