sulfo-Cyanine5 tyramide

What We Offer

sulfo-Cyanine5 tyramide

sulfo-Cyanine5 tyramide

Catalog Number F03-0043
Category sulfo-Cyanine5
Molecular Formula C40H46KN3O8S2
Molecular Weight 800.05
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Product Introduction

This tyramide is a conjugate of the water-soluble far-red fluorescent dye sulfo-Cyanine5. It can be used with any antibody or other molecules (streptavidin, etc.) conjugated to HRP to stain cells and tissues by immunofluorescence methods.

Chemical Information

Solubility Soluble in water, DMF, DMSO
Appearance Dark Blue Solid
  • Product Specification
Excitation 646
Emission 662
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